The Washington Museum Association

The Washington Museum Association

There are hundreds of different museums scattered far and wide across Washington state. Many of them are focused on the history of their particular city, county, or region. Others feature arguably some of the most interesting, thought-provoking, and unique art and sculpture in the world. And a few have captured more of a niche area, showcasing things like robots, quilts, and puppets. But the thing that binds these varied institutions

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The Daring Heist of D.B. Cooper

The Daring Heist of D.B. Cooper

Feeling a slight bump up in the cockpit, the pilots of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 looked at each other nervously as rain pelted against their windshield at around 200 miles per hour…a relatively slow speed for a Boeing 727. They didn’t yet know that that bump meant their ordeal of the past several hours was just about over; that they, along with their flight engineer and flight attendant, would live to see another day—because the man known only as Dan Cooper had just exited the plane by leaping from the rear staircase in mid-flight, with a parachute and 200-thousand dollars strapped to his body, never to be seen again.

Medicine Creek: In Search of Treaty Tree

Medicine Creek: In Search of Treaty Tree

In 1854, the Medicine Creek Treaty between regional Native American tribes and Washington’s territorial government kicked off a years-long conflict that forever changed the story of the Pacific Northwest. Sixty-eight years later, in 1922, the Sacajawea Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution placed a bronze plaque commemorating the momentous treaty, upon the single remaining Douglas Fir that remained at the place where the treaty was signed. It became

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The man with the golden gun

The man with the golden gun

In 1989, one of the most brazen heists in Washington history occurred at the height of the state centennial celebration. Worse yet, it happened right under the nose of then-Secretary of State Ralph Munro. The thief – or thieves – simply walked into his office, and walked out with a first-issue, limited edition, gold-plated, commemorative .44 Magnum revolver made by Ruger especially for the centennial. And it wouldn’t be seen

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