Then and Now: Mount St. Helens

Then and Now: Mount St. Helens

It’s the 41st anniversary of the most devastating volcanic eruption in modern U.S. history, and since we didn’t get to commemorate it properly for its 40th (thanks to COVID), I’m posting this new Juxtapose composite with links to previous MSH material I’ve written. If you get the chance, get up to the mountain this year to experience the awesome and terrible power of nature, and learn about how the mountain

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Then and Now: Lake Quinault Lodge

Then and Now: Lake Quinault Lodge

President FDR met with a large crowd of Quinaults in the spacious lobby of Lake Quinault Lodge when he visited there in 1937. The Native American children in traditional dress displayed some of their crafts and treated the president to a presentation by children of the nearby Taholah Indian School as well as a traditional Indian warrior display of strength.