Your success depends on getting the word out about what you have to offer. Visitors within your own community may not even realize what treasures you can share. That’s why it’s up to you to shout it from the mountaintops! Working with Washington Our Home, you’ll be able to identify key media outlets that can help spread the word, contact the media in the format they prefer, and stay in touch with your audience on a regular basis…all in an easy to understand way. You want professional communications, and we want you to succeed.
Media Database Creation

Nothing is as useful as a list of contacts who can help you spread the word about new exhibits, new research opportunities and new community events. Washington Our Home can build a robust database that contains contact information for journalists, bloggers, podcasters, and other potential media outlets local to your area. E-mail us for more information!
Press Releases

When you want to get the word out, tell the world in the format the news media prefer. Word of the press release’s demise is vastly overstated, as most media outlets still rely on these tried and true methods of communicating. And since most media outlets are understaffed and most journalists overworked, why not help them do their jobs by writing the article in advance? Learn why press releases are an effective way to tell your story.

Whether you already send a monthly, quarterly or yearly update to your followers, the e-newsletter is the single greatest way to get your voice to your audience. Washington Our Home can help you redesign your existing publication, offer best practice tips and tricks to increase readability or even help you create an e-newsletter from scratch and build a distribution list from the ground up. E-mail us for more information!
Survey Design

There is no single greater way to get direct feedback from your audience than through a customer survey. A standard practice among for-profit business and non-profit organizations alike, surveys provide you with vital data and statistics that can guide your decision-making and help you identify strengths and weaknesses. Using free online tools like SurveyMonkey and Doodle, Washington Our Home can help you take the pulse of your public. Ask about what kinds of surveys we can create!