Our bread and butter at Washington Our Home is helping you create strategies for long-term success. By taking an in-depth look at your audience, your stakeholders, your customers, your visitors, your resources, and more…Washington Our Home can create a customized, integrated plan that will increase your visibility and help get your stories out!
Needs Assessments (free!)

Free is always the best price. Washington Our Home is offering a free Needs Assessment – a written report of what you’re missing – with no strings attached. Utilizing our professional communications and marketing experience, we’ll dive deep into the resources that you already have and listen to your thoughts about what you’re looking for. E-mail us for more information!
Communications Plans

On any journey, it’s hard to reach your destination without a road map. Well, a communications plan is like a road map to let people know you exist. It’s an essential tool for ensuring your organization is sending a clear message and meeting targeted goals and measurable results. Writing a communication plan can be time-consuming and confusing, so let the experience of Washington Our Home work for you. E-mail us for more information!
Marketing Plans
You might need a strategy for generating revenue, creating positive impressions and retaining customers. If so, you need a marketing plan. Marketing is what drives sales, and without sales you can’t afford to stay in business long-term. Successful organizations take the time to develop and regularly revisit marketing strategies with an eye toward a sustainable future. E-mail us for more information!
Crisis Response Plans

Forget breaking glass in case of emergencies. You need to know exactly what to do, who’s going to do it and how to get it done during a crisis. Whether its a lawsuit, an accident on the premises, a natural disaster, or board troubles, a crisis can undermine the viability of even a prosperous, thriving organization. A crisis response plan is your guide to quickly containing the crisis and recover from its impact. E-mail us for more information!