E-Mail: erich@washingtonourhome.com

My name is Erich Ebel and I love this state. I’ve lived on the green side as well as the brown side. I’ve navigated the rivers and climbed the mountains. I’ve fished its lakes, hiked its trails, marveled at its geology, and studied its fascinating, storied history.
I’ve spent the better part of my adult life discovering and sharing stories about Washington’s history, heritage, and culture. My blog, videos, and podcasts hold a treasure trove of interesting facts, unknown facets, and fascinating tales that help to entertain and educate the general public about the greatest state in the lower 48.
From 2019-2022, my communications consulting business assisted the state’s cultural institutions with preserving and promoting their own stories by expanding and enriching the experience of their audiences. From logos to local history curriculum, strategy to social media, and news releases to new technologies, Washington Our Home helped cultural community organizations reach a larger and more diverse audience, generate new heritage tourism dollars in local economies, and promote local history worldwide.
I chaired the City of Lacey Historical Commission from 2014-2022, and previously served as Marketing and Communications Director for the Washington State Historical Society and Museum. I’ve been a board member for the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, and the History Insider for Scenic Washington magazine.
Contact me today if you’d like to schedule a presentation or event to talk about Washington state history, heritage, or culture!