The Life of Senator Slade Gorton

The Life of Senator Slade Gorton

Slade Gorton was an esteemed intellectual, an accomplished attorney, a shrewd political opponent, an Air Force colonel, a baseball nut…and one of the greatest public servants Washington State has ever known. After 92 years of working on behalf of others, the nonagenarian solon died last month, on August 19th. If you’ve never heard of Slade Gorton, you’ll get a great idea of who the man was by reading his obituary

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My pledge to do more than just remember 9/11

Last night and this morning, my wife wanted to watch all the media coverage and specials of the 9/11 10-year anniversary. I watched alongside her and we talked about where we were, what we were doing and how we felt on that horrific day. But I felt like I didn’t want to remember…like I didn’t want to revisit those terrible events that happened a decade ago. I began to consider

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